Complete the form below for payments. Ensure you submit your invoice by the 5th of each month as late invoices carry over to the following month.
Payments are made within 10-20 days of receiving your invoice minus a 15.82 % withholding tax and any service charges for Takedowns or using Hankad ISRC and UPC codes as per the (Terms of service).
Double-check all details, especially total revenue, to avoid payment issues. Notify us quickly of any bank detail changes to prevent delays.
If you’re unsure about the correct amount to invoice, please log in to your dashboard. Click the top icon as shown below to access the Monthly Statement you are required to invoice. Please note that this amount excludes the 15.82 % withholding tax, which will be deducted upon payment. You must have a minimum balance of 50€ euros to invoice or receive payment.
Invoice Form
Please review all information before submitting your invoice.